Why Durban?

Durban Rocks!

Competitive Call Centre Wages
South Africa’s labour costs are significantly lower than in the US and UK

Great Fluency in English and other major languages
Language can be a key barrier to off-shoring, especially for client facing processes such as customer support.

High Agent productivity
On average agents are working 168 hours per month and team leaders 175 hours per month. The statutory maximum is 195 hours per month (45 hours per week). This works out at 39 hours per week, which is roughly mid-way between the average working hours of UK agents (37.2) and Indian agents (43.3).

Great Cultural fit with US and UK
South Africa has historic trade relationships with many European countries, particularly the UK, Netherlands, France and the US.

Robust Technical infrastructure
South Africa is ranked 23rd in telecommunications development in the world. The country has approximately 4,92 million installed telephones and 4,3 million installed exchange lines. This represents 39% of the total lines installed in Africa. The network is almost wholly digital. Digital microwave and optical fibre serve as the main transmission media for the inter-primary network, interconnecting all major centres.

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